Migrating liquidity to v3

Guide to Migrating Liquidity from Kriya v2 Pools to v3 Pools with 1-Click Migration PTBs

Why migrate?

With the introduction of v3 pools on Kriya Finance, migrating your liquidity from v2 to v3 pools ensures that you continue to earn rewards and benefit from the new concentrated liquidity features.

We’ve made migration a simple 1-click process via Sui PTBs. All LPs are advised to migrate their capital to the new pools to continue earning yield.

How to migrate?

Tutorial video:

OR Here is a step-by-step guide to help you migrate your liquidity effortlessly:

  • Next to some of your LP positions, you will see a ‘Migrate’ button. This button appears for positions that are 'Withdrawable' (staked or unstaked) and have a corresponding v3 pool. For positions that are locked, you will be able to withdraw/migrate after the lock period has expired.

  • Click on the ‘Migrate’ button next to the LP position you want to move to v3.

  • A confirmation popup will appear. Verify the details and click on ‘Migrate’.

  • Sign the transaction in your wallet and that’s it! Your v3 positions should reflect in your portfolio now.

How does migration work?

When you click on ‘Migrate,’ the following steps occur automatically to ensure a seamless transition:

  • Withdraw from v2 Pool:

    • Check Lock Status:

      • If your LP token is unstaked, it proceeds directly to the withdraw step.

      • If your LP token is staked, the system checks if the current date is beyond the ‘locked until’ date. If yes, it moves ahead to the next step.

    • Claim Rewards: Any unclaimed rewards from your v2 position are claimed.

    • Unstake LP Token: The LP token is unstaked from the v2 farm.

    • Withdraw: Tokens are withdrawn from the v2 LP pool.

  • Token Optimization: The system identifies the tokens required to create a v3 position in the same pair within a broad price range.

  • Token Swap: Tokens are swapped to attain the optimal ratio for the v3 pool.

  • LP in v3 Pool: The tokens are deposited into the v3 pool.

  • Receive v3 LP NFT: The v3 LP NFT is sent to your wallet, representing your new position.

Users don’t need to manually claim rewards and then migrate. By default, ‘migrate’ means ‘claim all, unstake, withdraw, and LP again.’

Note: The broad price range for the migrated v3 LP position differs from pair to pair:

  • For uncorrelated pairs (0.3% fee tier), an LP position is created within ±50% of the current price.

  • For stable pairs (0.01% fee tier), an LP position is created within ±1% of the current peg price.

Any residual amount left during LP migration is refunded back to the user’s wallet in the same transaction.

Last updated